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Circular 9/2013 - Shareholders' assets and loans: communications

Assets to shareholders and financing: communications

With this circular we want to provide an analysis of the new regime concerning the communication to the Revenue Agency of the company assets granted to the shareholders and of the loans disbursed, in light of the managerial measures prot. 94902 and 94904 of 2 August 2013, which set 12 December 2013 as the deadline for the electronic forwarding of the related communications.


  1. Communication of assets granted for enjoyment
    1. Subjects obliged to communicate
    2. The comunication
    3. Sanctions
  2. The communication of the loans disbursed
    1. Subjects obliged to communicate
    2. The Annual Declaration
    3. The comunication
    4. Sanctions
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Circulars 2013

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