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Circulars 7/2009 - "Milleproroghe" Decree

"Milleproroghe" Decree

We inform you that the Law Decree No. 207 of December 30, 2008 (hereinafter the "Milleproroghe Decree") converted, with amendments by Law No. 14 of February 27, 2009, has ordered the extension of some terms provided for by the legislative provisions and Financial Laws.

This circular illustrates the main changes introduced by the Milleproroghe Decree.

Topics index

  1. Rural buildings exemption (Article 23 paragraph 1 bis)
  2. Istat adjustment (Article 41 paragraph 16-duodecies)
  3. Monthly transmission of withholding taxes (Article 42 paragraph 2)
  4. IRAP - Regionalization (Article 42 paragraph 7)
  5. Tax Deadlines (Article 42 paragraph from 7 ter to 7 sexies)
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Circulars 2009

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